May Day Classic Volunteer Position Descriptions
Field Prep Staff
You’ll be working in a team, marking the fields for lining. You’ll determine the field dimensions marking the perimeters and other important field spots with spray paint (for Gavin Park staff to outline later in the week.) Directions and guidance will be provided. This is typically the Monday or Tuesday prior to the tournament. -
Pre-Tournament Support
You will be working with Board and May Day Committee members the week prior to the tournament to prepare Gavin Park. This includes attaching signage to fences and goals, moving picnic tables from the pavilion to the appropriate place, placing garbage and recycling cans throughout the grounds, and any other general admin or set-up jobs as determined by the May Day Committee.
Main Gate Attendant
Parking AttendantA strong backbone and thick skin are required for this position. You will be screening people for admittance to the back parking lot. Allowed vehicles include board members, May Day committee members, referees, EMTs and medical personnel, SWSC coaches and vehicles with handicapped permits, for which there is limited parking (you will be given passes for the number of slots available). -
General Parking Lot Attendant
Parking AttendantStationed at one of our other three parking areas (Main Lots, Back Baseball Lot, Dorothy Nolan). You are to help attendees find open spots, try and maximize parking in the unlined lots, direct cars to other lots (if yours is full) and provide general information. Field maps will be provided. -
You must be a fully-licensed NYS driverUsing a golf cart provided, you’ll circle around to all of our parking lots, offering transportation to elderly or disabled attendees. You may also be asked to provide transportation for coaches and equipment. We do not provide transportation to any players, unless they are visibly injured, or unless asked by a coach or tournament staff. Field Maps will be provided. -
Concession Attendant
You will be staffing the SWSC concession stand, setting up, restocking, and selling drinks, snacks and pizza. This may include boiling water for cocoa and making coffee, making change for purchases, and other duties as the Concession Manager requires. -
Field Marshall
This position is quite possibly the most important, yet easiest job of the tournament. As Field Marshall, you will:
Hold the game cards.
Before the game, verify that:
- The two teams on the game card for the time slot are correct.
- You have refs on the field, ready to ref the game.
- There is a game ball of the correct size, preferably two, on the field.
After the game:
- Ensure the ref and coaches verify the score and sign the game card.
- Call in the score (detailed instructions will be provided to you).
If there is any problem on the field, you will be provided a list of phone numbers of May Day Committee members and the Tournament Director who can resolve your issue.
Maintenance Staff
You must be a fully-licensed NYS driverYou will be responsible for checking garbage cans around the park, changing out bags when necessary and placing full bags in the large dumpster at the end of the back parking area. You should also expect to pick up any trash you notice around the park. Gloves and bags will be provided to you. You may be asked to transport other items as necessary by the May Day Committee. -
Raffle Ticket Sales
Manage ticket sales for our Raffle contests from inside the Ticket Tent or from the fields.
Volunteer Coordinator Support
Provide on-demand support to the Volunteer coordinator, checking in volunteers, issuing volunteer equipment, explaining tasks and other assignments as needed. -
Post-Tournament Support
At the close of the tournament, you will be working with Board and May Day Committee members to remove signage from fences and goals, moving picnic tables back to the pavilion, retrieving garbage and recycling cans throughout the grounds, and any other general take-down jobs as determined by the May Day Committee. -
Take pictures of various teams/games and upload them to a digital repository provided by SWSC. -
Manage the information booth, providing help with tournament questions. -
Utility Player
Provide general support to the May Day Tournament Director and Committee members. Includes, but is not limited to, admin tasks, emergency coverage and other duties as assigned.
May Day Classic Sponsors
Show your support for these local businesses investing in the growth of our community.